New Book: Cyberspies!
My latest book is now available. It’s called Cyberspies: Inside the World of Hacking, Online Privacy, and Cyberterrorism, and it’s…

New Book: Race in Sports Management
This is a big month for new releases! Here’s my fourth new book of the month (technically released in December…

New Book: Exposing Hate
My second young adult nonfiction book has also arrived. It’s Exposing Hate: Prejudice, Hatred, and Violence in Action, from Lerner Publishing’s Twenty-First Century Books imprint. This…

New Book: Fake News
My first nonfiction book for young adults is now available. Fake News: Separating Truth from Fiction is marketed to the…
Upcoming Books
Here’s what I’m working on (or done with) that’s coming out in the next few months: New edition of my…