My Windows 10 Computer for Seniors, 2nd Edition
Endorsed by AARP
My Microsoft® Windows® 10 Computer for Seniors is an easy, full-color tutorial on the latest operating system from Microsoft — updated for Windows’ latest Fall Creators Update.
Veteran author Michael Miller is known for his ability to explain complex topics to everyday readers. Michael wrote this book from the 50+ point of view, using step-by-step instructions and large, full-color photos to cover all the most popular tasks. Miller will help you learn to:
- Get started with Windows 10, whether you’re experienced with computers or not
- Configure Windows 10 to work better for those with vision and physical challenges
- Explore the web with Microsoft’s Edge browser and Google Search
- Find, install, and use the best new Windows apps
- Reliably connect to the Internet, both at home and away
- Find online bargains, shop safely, and avoid online scams
- Make and receive video and voice calls with Skype
- Stay connected with friends and family on Facebook and Pinterest
- Capture, touch up, organize, and share your pictures
- Read eBooks on your PC—even enlarge text for greater comfort
- Send and receive email with Windows 10’s Email app
- Keep track of all your files, and back them up safely
- Discover great new music with Spotify and Pandora
- Fix common PC and Internet problems
- Search your computer and the Internet—and send and receive text messages—with the Cortana virtual assistant

Author: Michael Miller
Publisher: Que Publishing
Published: February 2018
Page count: 432 pp.
Price: $24.99 print, $19.99 digital
ISBN: 0-7897-5978-0
Purchase at InformIT Bookstore
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