Idiot’s Guide to Excel 2013
Microsoft Excel can be an overwhelming and intimidating software product to use, but armed with the right book, anyone can master the basics. Packed full of color screen shots and illustrations, Idiot’s Guides: Microsoft Excel 2013 will teach any novice how to perform all of the essential functions, including how to create a spreadsheet from scratch; build and edit basic formulas and functions; manage, sort, and edit data cleanly and efficiently; create and insert graphics; work with tables; generate readable reports; and much more.
At first glance, Microsoft Excel 2013 can be intimidating. Worksheets and workbooks, formulas and functions, tables and charts — there’s a lot to learn. But we make it easy. Chock full of easy-to-follow, full-color lessons, this helpful guide gives you everything you need to get up and running with Excel 2013. In it, you get:
- Simple steps for getting started with Excel worksheets.
- Easy lessons on entering, editing, and formatting text and numbers.
- Tutorials for putting formulas and functions to work with your data.
- Tips for analyzing data with tables and PivotTables.
- Guidance on adding charts and graphics to your spreadsheets.
- Pointers on sharing your spreadsheets and collaborating with other users.
- Clear, illustrated, four-color instructions make learning Excel 2013 easy.

Author: Michael Miller
Publisher: Alpha Books
Published: May 2014
Page count: 320 pp.
Price: $24.95
ISBN: 1615644547
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