Facebook Essentials (Video Training) 3rd Edition
Do you use Facebook for social networking? With more than 1 billion active users worldwide, chances are your friends and family do. It’s the way that many people today communicate and share with others.
If you’re just getting started with Facebook, it may seem a bit daunting or confusing – but it doesn’t have to be. All you need to know is how to navigate the site, how to make Facebook friends, and how to keep in touch with those friends. In other words, exactly what you’ll find in this series of videos.
Facebook Essentials, 3d Edition, is a series of 21 video tutorials that teach you how to use and get the most out of Facebook. The videos take you from basic operation to more advanced concepts, such as friends lists, video chat, and using Facebook on your mobile device. All the videos have been updated since the previous edition to cover Facebook’s ongoing changes and additions, including new Timeline, photo sharing, and privacy features.
When you want a quick and easy – and visual – way to learn more about Facebook, turn to Facebook Essentials. These videos will teach you want you need to know and get you up and running with the Facebook social network!

Author: Michael Miller
Published: March 2013
Publisher: Que Publishing
Price: $19.99 or $0.99/lesson
Format: DRM-free video downloads
ISBN: 0-7897-5155-0
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