Cyberspies: Inside the World of Hacking, Online Privacy, and Cyberterrorism
Interest Level: Grade 6 – Grade 12
Reading Level: Grade 8
The news is filled with stories of data breaches at companies and of threats to national security as hackers interfere with elections. It’s more important than ever for internet users to know how to maintain their privacy online. The digital world has become inescapable, and to be a responsible digital citizen, it is necessary to be aware of the threats to your online privacy and security. This book looks at the legal and illegal forms of cyberspying, goes behind the scenes to explore career paths in cyberintelligence, and looks at the digital threats of cyber propaganda, fake news, cyberterrorism, and threats to the US government and individuals. Readers will learn tools to keep themselves safe and protect their privacy, as well as tips for what to do if they are attacked online, and a final chapter looks at how digitally savvy teens can prepare for a career in cyberintelligence.
From the book cover:
As the digital world grows, so does the importance of knowing how to maintain one’s privacy and security online. Each day brings more news about data breaches at major corporations, anonymous hackers stealing millions of dollars, and Twitter bots spreading false information to interfere with political elections — but all it takes the thwart hackers is come knowledge of their tricks.
Cyberspies: Inside the World of Hacking, Online Privacy, and Cyberterrorism is a primer on the many forms of cyberspying — both legal and illegal. This book explores career paths in cyberintelligence, looks at digital threats to both individual and to entire governments, and provides tools to keep you and your personal information safe online.
The Internet may be full of cyberspies who lie, steal, and hack, but many other cyberspies around the world are stepping up to deal with digital threats. Cybersecurity has become a booming industry continually looking for fresh talent. Armed with the knowledge contained in this book, you’ll be on your way to becoming a cyberspy in no time.
- Spies Like Us: Inside the World of Cyberintelligence
- Cybersleuthing: Searching for Information (Legally)
- Cyberespionage: Obtaining Secret Information
- Cyberpolitics: Hacking the Vote
- Cyberpropaganda: Spreading Fake News
- Cyberattacks: Ransomware and More
- Cyberterrorism: Attacking Systems and Infrastructure
- Cyberwarfare: Nation Versus Nation, Online
- Cybersecurity: Playing Defense
- Want to Be a Cyberspy?

Author: Michael Miller
Publisher: Twenty-First Century Books/Lerner Publishing Group
Published: February 2, 2021
Page count: 120 pp.
Price: $37.32 library bound hardcover, $55.99 multi-user ebook, $9.99 Kindle ebook
ISBN: 978-1-7284-1390-7
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