The 80/20 Guide to Effective Presentations
Dreading your next presentation? Need a new presentation routine? This book will alleviate your fears and help you deliver effective and engaging presentations. Learn how to set goals for your presentations and use tactics that keep your audience involved. The 80/20 Guide to Effective Presentations focuses on just the critical skills and strategies you need to successfully present, ranging from choosing the right content to setting up a room to selecting graphics for maximum impact. It’s the tool you need to make your next presentation unforgettable — and a huge success!
Here’s what you’ll find in this book:
- In-depth, expert advice that will make your next presentation a success
- Specific examples of content with style and substance
- Tips for handling difficult topics and audiences
You’ll learn how to:
- Move beyond stage fright and completely lose your fear of presenting
- Leverage expert advice to keep your audience engaged
- Choose pictures and graphics that make a positive impact

Author: Michael Miller
Publisher: Course Technology
Published: June 2005
Price: $24.95
Page count: 193 pp.
ISBN: 1418846716
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